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lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2021


One day our Lord Jesuschrist decided to come back to the world incognito. It was not the Second Coming but a private visit.

In Sevilla a girl of fifteen years had died and in the cathedral her burial ceremonial was taking place. The crowd all of of a sudden recognized Him, his manners, his eyes full of compassion, his divinity. The afflicted mother of the child crying and shouting of affliction knelt down in front of the Saviour:

Please, Lord, you have powers over life and death, you are the life and resurrection, give me my child back.

Christ was moved by the faith and pain of the poor woman and approaching the hearse asked the sexton to remove the pall. “She already stinks; it is five days since she passed away”. Then the Lord uttered the ritual words He said when he resurrected the Daughter of Jairo:

Talipha kumi (rise again, my child)

Suddenly the deceased opened her eyes, smiles and standing up gave back the bunch of white flowers whose mother had deposited in her hands as a farewell.

The multitude excited by the phenomenon clustered by the bier claiming miracle… miracle.

Erupted then a mob in Seville. In the middle of the uproar appeared an old man ninety years old, tall, erected, aloof, ascetic. He was a friar. The sinister collaborators the burrows of the Santo Oficio came with him. He was the General Inquisitor.

Frizzing his thick eyebrow ordered the crowd to disperse and to arrest Xto. Under the accusation of mobbing:

Take him up

His bailiffs carry Jesus to the dungeons of the Tribunal of the Faith. A long conversation took place but our Lord did not uttered a word. His silence was a condemnation of the external church but praising the mystical nothing to do the apparatus preachers, sermons, cannons, Popes, cardinals, corruption, hypocrisy. It is clear that the Inquisitor was de devil disguised as a friar.

Dostoyevski in this magnificent story plays with the theological concept of esoteric (the accidental of the message of the gospel) and exoteric (the inner part, the essence of his presence in History).

Tomorrow you will be burned in the fire of the inquisition. Jesus did not said a word. You are a mobber. The devil remained Him of the three temptation of Lent after fasting in the dessert. Lent. “convert those stones in bread”. Our savior kept silence.

We give the people bread, tranquility of mind, when they sin we pardon their sins and promised Paradise in after life.

Xto also renounced to the miracle. Throw yourself from the heights of the pinnacle ot the Salomon temple.

 Also no answer.

God contempt´¨s of human glory, fame, wealth radiates from heaven. His kingdom is not from this world, it is divine.  That is one of the mysteries of Christianity its divine assertion. Every thing I will giveto you if prosternating in front of me give adoration, said the devir it was the third temptetio the power of the glory. Xto said go away Satan you only will adore and revere your God. This temptation is the promise of the triumph of the Cross over the Perversity (Zlo in the Oerhodox theology) in other words the victory of Christ over the Devil.

However the Popery is a world power, miracles, mystery, authorities. The Great Inquisitor talked on his long speech to the global fraternity human rights to appease the minds and control their body.

The replying mutism of the Lord contravenes the ideal of the utopia of the antichrist who came to enslave the human kind of his false promises of perpetual harmony and happiness above the differences of race, credo, gender and color of the skin.

 But the Christ gave no reply.

His silence perturbs the Great Inquisitor especially when his prisoner dauntless to his insults and threats lowering his head kissed the lips of the old man.

This act was the triumph of his doctrine of love and charity. Horrified the great inquisitor broke down and opened the jail shouting:

“Go away und never come back” But it is impossible. He never went away. Our Savior is here hidden in the Eucharistic bread and wine

Dostoyevsky shows himself in this piece not only a master of the novel but also a prophet.

The silence of the Xto is a confirmation of his presence in the world to the end of time in spite the prevarication of Popery and the external Church, and the attack of the global free minders.

The action of this story should not have realized in Seville but in Rome.

Monday, September 27, 2021





miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2021




El verano marchó por la senda de Cronos, no volverá. Dias de orvallo, miro a los ojos coruscantes de las estrellas. El cielo astur no desvela sus misteriosas lejanías e invita a soñar. Vigilo la noche desde mi candelacho como un labrador que guarda su viña asediada por el jabalí.

Esta choza o candelacho es la celda sublime del escritor.

Leo un cuento misterioso de Nicolai Garin en portugués. Se titulada: “una misteriosa mujer”.

La lengua lusitana guarda en sus delicadas y melosas sinuosidades un gran parecido con el alma rusa. Nadia Alexandrovna se enamora de un estudiante que se aloja en su casa a pupilo. Ella está todavía de buen ver. El marido se encuentra enfermo y a punto de morir lo que no es óbice para que los dos amantes se refocilen a la espaldas o abiertamente del esposo sin ocultar su procaz pasión. Se trata de la crónica de un adulterio contada delicadamente.

 El amor es eterno y cruel pero siempre estás el “otro”. pasean ambos por las calles de Petersburgo visitan la isla de Ostrok.

La noche de pascua celebran un gran convite que acaba en orgía sexual. Se juran amor eterno pero siempre está el “otro”. de ella le habla Natalia y dice a su amante que le recuerda a él que parecen hechura de un templo de Apolo. El estudiante es un idealista hombre puro con el alma fragil de cristal que sabe poco de los misterios ocultos en el alma de una mujer.

El dinero que le mandaba su padre se lo gasta en francachelas con la adultera, deja de atender sus clases en la universidad, descuida su atuendo, se emborracha, vive como en una nube poseído por esa locura del deseo que es como una bruma dentro del cerebro.

Natalia bella y coqueta se preocupa por el paso del tiempo, la belleza corporal no es eterna se marchita estando abocada a la enfermedad y la muerte. Yo te juro amor eterno quiero ser tu esclava. Son palabras de mujer promesas que nunca cumplen. Un día descubre en el tocador de su dama un anillo de oro y un collar de perlas. Dime de quien es. Nadia se excusa con mentiras. Extraña mujer.

Se descubre la trampa y se separan al cabo de muchos gritos lagrimas y bofetadas. La dulce amante se convierte en una hiena que grita cual basilisco. Prorrumpe al fin durante su último encuentro en una carcajada carcajada cruel. “Tú no eres nada para mí, yo amo al otro”.

 Garin viene a decirnos en este magistral cuento que el amor romántico es una locura, una entelequia y una trampa y una hoguera a la cual se lanzan los incautos. Que la carne humana es fragil sobre todo cuando se reviste de mujer. Sexo. Viento. Llama. Nube. Trueno que estalla de repente para desaparecer después. Una añagaza que tiende la naturaleza para la conversación de la naturaleza. Pero estas crueles y acibaradas verdades se endulzan cuando se dicen de forma artística en lenguas tan delicadas como es el ruso y el portugués

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